Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Ok, so I know this has nothing to do with my wedding, but nontheless it has everything to do with ME! Last night, I went to the midnight showing of the new Twilight Saga movie: Eclipse. The following is my review:

Eclipse was by far my favorite book of the Twilight Saga and last night the movie held up to that! It was nice to see Jasper and Rosalie's past come to life on the screen, though it was much too short of an adaptation for my liking. Key dialogue was not omitted so that was HUGE! I understand you can't get everything into the movie and I will have to say Melissa Rosenberg did not let me down!

What I loved. Now bear with me as I might not list them all as I could forget.

  • When Charlie and Bella have "the talk" - totally hilarious and awkward
  • The Tent Scene - The dialogue between Jacob and Edward
  • The Bed Scene - Edward "Bella, can you please stop trying to take off your clothes." Bella "Why, did you want to do that part?" - Need I say more?
  • Leah Clearwater - Now, I do hold a special place for Leah, as I've played her character before in a Role Playing community, but she is so bitter that its great! Well done, Julia Jones
  • The Wolf Pack - I mean, come on, half naked guys, whats not to love. But their banter is great. It's so light and adds such a nice contrast to the seriousness of the Vampire Clan.
  • The Volturi - Jane is such a bitch! Dakota, wonderfully played, though in the Role play world, I'd kick your ass! Though, she is so matter of fact and serious and when she kicks Felix's ass, it doesn't get ANY better than that!
  • Jessica's Valedictorian Speech - It was a good speech and it leaves me wondering how many Senior girls that are Valedictorians will steal it....
  • The Quilleutes Bonfire Scene - This could have been longer and more informative of how the Tribe became to be 'werewolves'. I felt the storytelling of Billy could've been longer and a injustice was done to shorten this.
  • Renee - Bella's mom. Having Bella go home to see her mom was such an emotional scene. We've never seen them interact like this before. It was a little sad as we know she won't be going back to Florida to see her.
  • Rosalie as a human - She was so adorable and that ASS of a Fiance, well let's just say I'm glad of what happened. As he had it coming. Though I would've enjoyed seeing her, you know, end them. But Rosalie with Red Eyes....Loved it!
  • Jasper's history - First off, let me say that Jackson Rathbone was actually yummy in this movie. He didn't look as much like a drowned rat as he did in New Moon. Seeing him with Maria and how he had to create newborns and train them. Loved it!
  • Riley, Victoria, and Bree - The newborn army was interesting. I enjoyed seeing their story acted out a bit. I do wish though, that Bree had yelled her line about how Bella smelled. But, they left that out. And Bryce Dallas Howard, thank you for filling Victoria's shoes. I had my doubt but you did well. I practically forgot about Rachelle whats her name. :)
  • The Training - Oh Emmett! How I adore you! And when the wolves came to watch, because they didn't trust the Cullens to be in their human form!
  • The Fight Scene - Can you say AWESOME? This was great! I don't want to give too much away, but this was great to see played out on the screen.
  • Seth Clearwater - I like how they played up his adoration for Jacob, but it wasn't too much, just enough. And Booboo Stewart, you're an adorable little guy!
  • Jacob and Bella - Ok, you knew this was coming. The punch, the kiss, him being crushed by a newborn and Bella telling him she fought her feelings for him because she knew it wouldn't change anything. Oh but you want her to choose Jacob, you do for those moments he's on the screen, with no shirt on, looking all delish with those abs. Ok stopping myself because...
  • Edward - Need I say more? He may not be 107 degrees and totally ripped. But his jealousy of Jacob and how he doesn't give up asking Bella to marry him. *sigh* You know, without a doubt, 100% that she belongs with Edward.
So there is my review, with spoilers, but let's be honest, if you read the books, this should come as no surprise. I'm sure I left out some stuff, but it doesn't matter. I'll go see the movie again. Maybe tomorrow....

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